Centrifugal Screen

A Price industry is on the very well known for its contribution in supplying high performance Centrifugal Screen in India and also exports it worldwide. We prince Industries are mainly focuses on customer satisfaction and after sell services. Our  main motto is manufacturing the product which are use for high capacity work with the competitive prise.

Centrifugal screen are available from Dia 1000,900,750,600,450,300 and 200mm, range of screen length from 4200 to 600mm and area from 0.8m2 to 12.5m2.

Centrifugal screens are mainly fuse for screening Starch, Food Products (COLOR) and other like spices, Flours, Gum Powder, Chemicals , Minerals Agrochemicals etc.

Centrifugal screens unique design of screening can give best output to the customers for their heavy production. It’s very useful for heat sensitive and starch and flour which are useful for reduction time and cost of the customers.

Centrifugal screen range

Centrifugal screen is available from Dia 1000, 900, 750, 600, 450, 300, & 200 mm. range of screen length from 4200 to 600 mm and area from 0.8m2 to 12.5m2.
Production is totally depend on material and size of screen.

Centrifugal Screen

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