TKP & CMTKP Plants


The Plant has been configured keeping in mind minimum manual operation. The material will be fed into the pneumatic system and will be conveyed to the reactors. The one hold up hopper (Storage feeder) will help to save the time between two batches.

Raw material Tamarind kernel Powder / seeds is treated with the chemicals as described in the process in the reactor. For effective use of the plant, two reactors are suggested with medium size s those are more convenient and economical to use. To add chemicals, three metering tanks are suggested. To maintain temperature or to increase temperature of the material in the reactor, hot water tank is provided. This hot water tank is equipped with coils to maintain the desired temperature of the water. The reacted mass is sent to the ultrafine grinder. Ultrafine grinder can grind the material with minimum thermal degradation compared to other grinders. Material coming out from the grinder will have high moisture due to addition of moisture in the reaction stage.

The reacted mass is sent to the ultrafine grinder. Ultrafine grinder can grind the material with minimum thermal degradation compared to other grinders. Material coming out from the grinder will have high moisture due to addition of moisture in the reaction stage. The material is dried in the dryer tube by hot air generated by thermal fluid boiler (Mentioned as radiator). From the system hot air will be sent out from dust collectors and the material will be collected in the first cyclone. The dried material is passed through centrifugal screen to confirm correct particle size. Finally material is sent to powder blender, essentially a ribbon blender of about 5 MT capacities. The different batches are to blended and converted into a large batch. The addition of Biocide and any other additives (if required) is carried out in the powder blender.

The product will be packed either by manually or by automatic machine. To run the plant, two skilled and four unskilled workmen are required. One skilled workman at reactor and another to look after other operations of the plant. Two unskilled workmen are required for loading of raw material and remaining two will be required in packing area. Instead of having unskilled workmen, the possibility of having contact labour can be explored.


  1. Roasting Unit
  2. Crecker
  3. Flaker
  4. Pulverizer
  5. Pneumatic System
  6. Storage Feeder
  7. Reactors
  8. Feeder
  9. Ultra Fine Grinder
  10. Dryeing Unit
  11. Centrifugal Siever
  12. Silo
  13. Final Blender
  14. Hot Water Tank


The indicative process of manufacturing tkp based derivatives is an under.
TKP powder will be treated with a suitable catalyst depending upon the derivatives to be produced. During the treatment care will be taken to control the temperature and to prevent lump formation while adding catalyst.
Activated mass will be treated with reagent to derivatives the polysaccharide. After certain reaction time polysaccharide will be degraded with suitable oxidizing agent to bring the viscosity. Further, it will be neutralized to required pH to stop reaction.
The reacted mass will be ground ultrafine grinder and dried to required level of moisture. Depending upon particle size desired, it will be screened and oversize will be sent back to Pulverizer for regrinding. A suitable non hazardous biocide will be added to increase the stability of the powder as well as paste during application. The product will be packed as desired by the customer and shipped.

TKP & CMTKP Plants

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